My Convertible Top Won't Open, the Message Reads Extend Cargo Shade on 2016 Chevrolet Camaro
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Ltd. limited - ��� ���������� �� express liability company - �������� � ������������ ����������������; PLC - public limited liability company; Inc., Corp. - corporation having limited liability. ���������� � ������ ����� : Str. (street), Rd (road), Av (avenue), Pl (place). ����������� ����� �������� ������������ ����� �� ��������� ����: Telegrams, Cables, Cable, Cablevision address, Telegraphic address. ���� ������. ����. �������� ���������� �� ������� ����������� �������� ��������������� ��� "������" ������ ������ ��� ������������� � ����������� ���������������. ������������ ��������� ���� ������: Your ref.: Our ref.: ��� Reference:\ In reply please refer to: ����� ���� ���� ������: �����, ��������, ��� ������ �������, ����������� �� �����, ����������� ������, ������� �������� � �. �. ���������� ��������� ������ ��������� ����, ������ �����������, ����� ����� ��������� ������. �������� ��������� ����: 10 August 1996 10th August 1996 10th Baronial, 1996 Baronial ten, 1996 August 10th, 1996 ��� ��������� ���� ���������� �� ������������ ���������� ��� �������� �����������, ��� ����� ��������� � ����������� ����. ���� � ���, ��� � �������������� � ������� ���� ������� ��-�������. ���, ���� 10.08.1996 � ������ ���������� 10 ������� 1996 �., � � ��� viii ������� 1996 �. ����� �������������� ������-������ ������ �������� �� ������� ������� �� ���� ����� �������. ���� ������. ������� ��������� ��������� � ������ ������ ������ ������� ��� � ������� ����������, ���� ��� ��� ��������. ����� ���������� ���������� ������ �������� ����� ��������� ���������. ����� ���� ����� �������� ��� � ������� �������������� ��� ��� �������� � �������, ��, �� � ���� ������, �� ���� �������. ��������: Mr. J. R. Tolkien, Mr. John Tolkien, �� �� Mr. Tolkien ������ ����� ��������� ���������: Mrs. � ����������� ���� � �������� �������, Miss � ����������� ���� � ���������� �������, Ms. � ����������� ���� � �������, ��� �������� ��������� ��� �� ��������, Messrs (����. �� messieurs "�������") � ������������ ��� ��������� � ���� ��� ����� ��������. ���������� ��������� ������ ���� ��������� ���������. ��� ������ � ����������� �������, �������� ������, ����������������� ������. ���� ��� ���������� ����������, �� ������ ����������� ��� ��������� ��� �����. � ������� ��������������� ������� ��������� ���������� �������� �����: UA -������� RU � ������ US � ��� GB � �������������� CA � ������ FR � ������� Information technology � ������ JP � ������ Thousand � �������� DM � ����� ������������� ��������� (�����������) ������ ���� ��������� ����������� � ������������� ���������� � ������ "�����". ������ ���������� ������ �������� (�������) � Dear Sir "��������� ��������". �� ��������� ������ ����� � ����� ��� ���������� �����, �� ����������� ��������� Beloved Sirs "��������� �������" ��� Gentlemen. �������� ��������, ��� � ������������ ������� ����� ��������� �������� ���������, � � ���������� � �������. ���� ���� ������ ���������� �������, �� ����������� � ��� ��� Dear Madam, � �� Dear Miss, ��� ��� ��� ����� ������� �����������. ��������� � �������� ������ ��� Mesdames. ���� ��� �������� ��� ����������, �� ������ Honey Sir or Madam. ���� �� ������ ��������, � ������� �� �������, �� ������ ��������� � ��������� ��� �������: Dear Mr. Smith. ��� ���������� ������� (���������) ����� "������� �� ��" � Dear Michael. ����� ������� ���� ��������� ��� ����� ������ � ��������: My beloved Mr. Smith My dear Michael ��� ����, ����� �������� ������ ����� �����, � ��� ������ ����, ����� �������������� ��������� ������ ������ ������� �������� �� ����� ���������� ������. ���� ����� ����� ���� ��������� ������������� ��������� ����������: "Re" � ���������� �� ���������� ��������� "in re" � "�� ����"; "Field of study" � ����; "Conc" � ���������� �� ����������� "concerning" � ����������. ��������: Conc: your asking for the documents of January 21, 1997 Subject: labour contract ������ ����� ��������� ������ ���������� � �����������, � ������� �� ������������� ��������� ������ �� ������ ��������������, ��� �� ������ �� ����������� ������. ������ ����� �������� ������ �� ��������� ���� ��������. ��, ���� ����� ������ ������ ����� �������� � ��� ����������� ���������� �� �������� ������� �����, �� � ����� ������ �������� ������� p. t.o., ��� �������� Delight Turn Over (�������� �� �������). ���� ������. �������������� ����� ����������. �������. ������������. ����� �������������� ����� ���������� ������� �� �������������� ���������: Dearest Sirs Yours faithfully/ Faithfully yours Dear Sir Nosotros are yours faithfully Dear Sir/Madame We remain yours faithfully Dear Mr. Yours sincerely Dear Mrs. Sincerely yours Dear Madam Yours very sincerely Beloved Gentlemen Yours truly Gentlemen Very truly yours ����� �������������� ����� ���������� �������� �������. ������ ������� �������� �� ����� ����-����. ��� ����� ��������� ���: Yours faithfully, ���. (signature) M. Jay Pull a fast one on For the Director ������, ������ For ����� ���� ������������ ���������� Per. pro ��� p. p., �� ��������� ���� per procuratio, ��� �������� "�� ������������, �� ����� ����-����": Sincerely yours, John Taylor (Mr) p. p. B. Hanson Hr Managing director ���� �� ��������� ����� ������ � ������ ���������, ����� � ����� ������ �������� ��������������� ������� � ���� ��������� ������������: "c. c." - carbon copies (������ �����) ��� Re-create to� ������ �� �� ������, ����� ���������� ������ ������ ����, ��� �� ��� ����-�� �������� �����. � ���� ������ ����� �����-����� �� ���������� "b. c.c." - blind carbon copies. (������� �����). ���� � ������ ������� ���������� (�������, ��������, ���� � �. �.), �� �����, ����� ������� �������� �������� �� ����: "Enc:", "Encl:" - ��� ���������� �� Enclosure (����������, ��������). ��������: Enc.: Letter of guarantee (two pages) Encl.: Insurance certificate (1 copy) � ����� ������, ����� ������� �������� �������������� �����, Post Scriptum (P. S.). ����� �������� �������� �� ��� ���������� � ��������������. P. S. ������������ �� ������ ������� �������. ��� �������, � P. S. �������� ���-�� ������: ������������� �����������, ���������� ����, ��� ������� ������� ���-�� ��������������� � �. �. P. S. ������� �� ������ (!) �����������. ���������� �� �������� � ������� � ������� �������� ������, � ����� �� ������������ ��������������� ������ ����������� �� ��������: AIR Mail service - ��������� By hand - �������� Confidential - ��������������� Express - �������� Please forward - ��������� ������ Private - ������� Registered - �������� Strictly Confidential - ������ ��������������� To be called for - �� ������������� Urgent � ������� ����� ����� ������ ����� ������ Thank you for your letter of (date), asking if� ������� �� ������ �� (����), � ������� �� �����������... We have received your letter of (date), enclosing� �� �������� ���� ������ �� (����), � �������� �� ���������� We are writing to enquire near� �� ��� �����, ����� ������ � We are interested in� �� �������������� � We would like to know� �� �� ������ ������ In reply to your letter of (date)� � ����� �� ���� ������ �� (����)� We would like to inform you lot� �� �� ������ ��� ����������������� Nosotros are sorry to accept to remind you� �������� �� ��, ��� ���������� ��� We regret to inform you that� �������� � ���, ��� ������ ��� ��������, ��� Nosotros refer to your order � 000� �������� �� ��� ����� � 000� With reference to your letter� �������� �� ���� ������ With reference to your ad in� �������� �� ���� ������� � We refer to our phone conversation regarding� �� ��������� �� ��� ���������� �������� ���������� Replying to your letter of � we are pleased to inform you that� ������� �� ���� ������ ���� ���� �������� ���, ��� In reply (response) to your letter of the alphabet of� we are pleased to inform yous that� � ����� �� ���� ������ ���� ���� �������� ���, ��� In accordance with your request we� � ������������ � ����� �������� ��� Nosotros confirm our fax message received this forenoon� �� ������������ ��������� ������ ����� ������� ����� Confirming�we are pleased now to� ������������, �� ����� ������ � ������ ������ ������ May we remind you that� Nosotros wish to notify yous that� a) ��������� We apologise for� �� ���������� ��� Delight accept our apologies/amends for� ����������, ������� ���� ��������� ��� Please accept our apology and our assurance that we volition exist more than careful in the future. ����������, ������� ���� ��������� � ��������� � ���, ��� � ������� �� ����� ����� �������������. Apologising for� we� ��������� ���, ��� Nosotros very much regret to say that� � ������� ���������� �� ��������, ��� We are sorry for a filibuster� �� �������� � �������� We were sorry to receive your complaint� � ���������� �� �������� ���� ������ We hope you will sympathize that we were not responsible for� �� ��������, ��� �� ���������, ��� �� �� ����� ��������������� ��� Nosotros assure you lot that we do all we can to� �������� ���, ��� �� ������ ��� ���������, ������ b) ��������� ������� Would\will y'all please, be so kind to� �� ������ �� �� ��� �������� We would be pleased if you would� �� ���� �� ���� ���� �� ��� We should\shall exist obliged (grateful) if you would\could� �� ����� ���������� ���, ���� ��� Information technology will be appreciated if you tin� �� ������ ������, ���� ��� It would be appreciated if you would\could� �� ���� �� ����� ����������, ���� �� �� ������ We would (very much) appreciate your advice� �� ����� ��� (�����) ���������� �� ����� In view of the urgency we ask you to� � ���� ������������� �� ������ ��� We trust you will� �� ������������, ��� ��� �) ���������� � ���������� � ������ Nosotros are enclosing\ we enclose� �� ��������� I enclose my curriculum vitae� � �������� ���� ������ Nosotros adhere to this letter of the alphabet� �� ��������� � ����� ������ Please detect enclosed� ����������, ���������� � ����������� �������������� ����� I look forrard to receiving your reply. � ����������� ��� ������ ������. Looking forrad to hearing from you lot. � ����������� ��� �� ��� ������. I hope this information will help you. �������, ��� ���������� ������� ���. Please, practice not hesitate to contact me if you need further information. ���� ��� ����� ���������� ����������, ����������, ������ ��� ��� ���������. Please, feel free if y'all have any further questions. ���� � ��� ���� �����-���� �������, ����������, �� ����������� �� ��������. If there is any communication or further information y'all desire we shall exist happy to supply it. ���� �� ������ �������� �����-������ �������������� ���������� ��� �����, �� ����� ��������� �� ��� ������������. We would appreciate a prompt answer. ����� ������������ �� ��� ���������������� �����. �) ��������� ������������� Cheers again for your help. We will exist ready to serve y'all in every manner possible ��� ��� ������� �� ���� ������. ����� ���� ������ ��� ����, ��� ������ Cheers for your assist ������� �� ���� ������ Many thanks for your earliest attention ������� ������� �� ���� �������� We assure you of our best attention at all times �������� ��� � ����� ����������� Best regards � ���������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ����� (e-postal service) ����������� ������, � ��������, �������� ������� �������. � ��� ����������, ��� � �. �. ������� �� ���� ����, ����� � ������ ��� �����. �� ����, ���� ���� ����� ������ ���������� ����������, �� ��� ���������� ������ ������� ���������. �� ��� �� ������� ����������� ������ ������� ���������� �� �������������. ��� ������� ����� ������ � ������. ��� ������������ ������ - ����� ������� ����� ����� �������� ������ � ����������� ���������. "�����" ������������ ������ ����� ���� ������� �����. � ���, ��� �������, ������������ ����� ������ ���: Engagement: To: (��� � ����������� ����� ���������� ������) From: (��� � ����������� ����� ����������� ������) Field of study (���� ������) ��: (����� ������) ����� ������������ ������ �������� ������ ����� ��, ��� � �������������, �� ����� ����������. ������ ������� ���������� ������� ����� ��������. ����� �� ������������ ����������� ����� �������� ������� ������������� ���������� ���� � ���������. ��� ���������� ��� ������������ � ������������ ��������. �� ����� ������ ���������. ����������, ������������ � ����������� ��������� AAMOF As a affair of fact AFAIK Every bit far equally I know ASAP As soon equally possible BTW Past the way CU See you F2F Contiguous FOAF Friend of a friend FYA For your entertainment FYI For your information IMO In my opinion IOW In other words IWBNI It would be overnice if KIS Keep it simple NRN No response necessary Os Operating system OTOH On the other hand R received TFS Thanks for sharing TIA Thanks in accelerate WOBTAN Waste of both time and coin WRT With respect to ���� �� ���� ���������� (����� ��� BTW) ������������ ����� �����, ������ - �����. ����������� ������ �� �������� ������������ �����������. ������ ������������ ������: Field of study: Confirmation of our meeting as discussed by phone I'm writing regarding our telephone call earlier this morning. It was a very useful discussion and I am much clearer now nearly your objectives. At the finish of the call yous suggested a time and place for our side by side meeting, the entrance hall of the International Hotel in Barcelona at 2.00 pm on 7th February. I believe you will be staying at the hotel at that fourth dimension. I said that I would email you to confirm the meeting. Well, for me the fourth dimension and place is very good - I am costless all afternoon. I wait forwards to seeing y'all in that location at that time and promise that in the evening you tin can exist my guest for dinner at a adept restaurant in Barcelona. ���� ������� ����� ������-������ ������-������ ����� ������������� ������. ��� ������� ������� ������������ ����������, ��������, �����-����� � �. �. ������-������� ������ ������� � ����������. ������� �����-�������� Beloved Sirs, Following my conversation with the representative in your London showroom, I should be glad if you would transport me your new catalogue of laptops. If you can guarantee prompt delivery and can quote really competitive prices, we may be able to identify an guild. First class references will exist supplied with the order. Yours faithful, Dear Sirs, Nosotros accept an enquiry for wristwatches in stainless steel case with luminous dial and unbreakable drinking glass. Please, send u.s. an offer quoting your best terms and discounts for greenbacks payment. We should exist grateful for an early on answer. Yours faithfully, Dear Sirs, We have heard from your representative, Mr. Wolf, that y'all are producing for export jackets in pure leather. There is a constant demand in Austria for loftier-course goods of this blazon. Sales are not high, but a good toll can be obtained for stylish design. Will you lot delight transport united states of america your catalogue and a pricelist with terms of payment. If it is possible, delight, send us also several samples of leather used in your jackets. We look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, Honey Sirs, We take seen your advertisement in the Metal worker Journal, and would be grateful if yous would kindly send usa details of your aluminum fitting. Please quote us for the answer of the items listed on the enclosed enquiry form, giving your prices c. i.f. Southampton. Will yous please also indicate delivery fourth dimension, your terms of payment, and details of discounts for regular purchases and large orders. Our almanac requirements for metal fittings are considerable, and we may be able to place substantial orders with you lot if your prices are competitive and your deliveries are prompt. Nosotros look forward to receiving your quotation. Yours faithfully, ����� � ��������� Your name has been given to united states by the British Chamber of Commerce� The British Diplomatic mission in Moscow has advised the states to get in touch with yous concerning� We saw your products demonstrated at the Oslo Fair earlier this twelvemonth, and would like to know whether� Your advertisement in this month'due south issue of the magazine states that you can offer� Nosotros would be glad to receive specifications of your new items, together with your current export price listing and detail of trade discounts. As we exercise a considerable trade in this line, we await a keen price. Equally we are the leading dealers in this town (area, land�)� Since we have connections throughout the country� In view of the fact that nosotros are sole agents for this product� Nosotros would perchance like to discuss the possibility of a contract with you. Nosotros would like to know whether y'all would be willing to grant united states of america a special discount. As we are under contract, delight let us know whether y'all can guarantee shipment past 13 August. ����� �� ������. ����������� �������, ��� �� ��������� ������� � ����� ��������� ��������. ��� ����� ������� ���������, ��� ���� ����� ���� �� ����� ���� � ��� ������������ � ������ ��� � ������� �������. ������� ���������� ��������� � ����������, �����-������� � �. �. ��������� ���������������� ���������-��������������� ������. ������������ ������ ����� �� ������-������ � ��� �� ����, ����� �� ��� ��������. ��� ����� �� �� ������ �������� ���� �������� � �������������� �������, �� � ��������� ����� �����������. ���� � ��� ��� �������������� ������, ���������� �������� ������-�����. �������� ��������� � ������ � �������� ����� - ������������. ������ ��� ������ ����� ������������� ������ ��� ������ �������. ������� ������ � ����������� ���������� �������� ���������� ������������ �������������� ������. ������� �����-����������� Gentlemen: We thanks for your letter of 28 June, and are glad to inform yous that all the items listed in your research are in stock. We arc enclosing a proforma invoice for the allumimum fittings you are interested in. If y'all wish to place a business firm offer, will you please arrange for settlement of the invoice by draft through your bank, and propose usa at the same time. We tin can guarantee delivery in Melbourne within 3 weeks of receiving your instructions. If y'all require the goods urgently, nosotros will arrange for them to exist sent past air, but this volition, of ccmrse? entail higher freight charges, We are enclosing details of our terms of payment, and would be happy to hash out discounts with yous if you would kindly let u.s.a. know how large your orders arc likely to be. We are looking forward io hearing from you, and assure you that your orders volition receive our immediate attention. Yours truly, Love Sir, In reply to your request for our Catalogue � 000 we enclose a copy herewith, and we promise you may find it useful. You will find an order from inside to assist you in choosing the items yous may require. Yours faithfully, Dear Sirs, We shall be only too pleased to supply you with brandish textile of our book "The Great General". We take instructed our advertising department to dispatch immediately 12 show-cards, 6 posters, 3 photographs and 1 life-size portrait of General MacAndrew; we have asked them to add 12 wrappers, which, we call up, you lot volition detect very constructive. Nosotros are very distressing that we cannot send you a large dummy simply we have not made i of this championship. Nosotros should appreciate it very much if you lot could send us a photo of your window and hope that your brandish will exist very successful. Yours faithfully ����� � ��������� We are pleased to accept your inquiry of� /Nosotros thank you for your enquiry about� Replying to your inquiry of 2nd of May we are pleased to inform you that we hold stocks of all our products. In reply to your inquiry, we are enclosing full particulars of our export models. We have pleasure in offer you the following goods� Our prices include packing and carriage. The price includes delivery to the nearest railhead. Prices are subject field to variation without notice, in accordance with market fluctuations. Payment on for an initial order would be required on proforma invoice. Our terms and conditions of sale as printed on our invoices must be strictly observed. Goods ordered from our old catalogue can be supplied only until stocks are exhausted. This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts. In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise y'all to order at once. The model you have asked for is out of production, but nosotros can supply the improved model instead. Please send u.s.a. your instructions by cable (telex/fax). Please wire/cablevision/phone your society. Kindly ostend your order at the cost quoted. If our proposal is acceptable to you lot please confirm past return. Your reply by return will exist appreciated. If y'all let usa have your instructions by Thursday at the latest, nosotros could� Our whole experience is at your service. We hope you will make utilize of it. We should capeesh the opportunity of showing you how efficiently we tin can serve you. As we execute all orders in strict rotation, we strongly advise you to order clearly. We are certain that these goods will meet your requirements, and await forward to your get-go club. Our services are at your disposal. We will hold a quantity in reserve for y'all, as we experience sure yous would not miss such an opportunity. ��������� ������ ������ ���������� ������ - �������� �������� ��������, ������� ���, ��� ������ ��� ����� �������� ��� ������ � ������. � ����������� �������� ����� � ���� �� �������, ��� ���������� ����������� ���������� ���������� ������� ��� ����������� �������� �������������� ����������. ������� ���������� ������ Dear Sir, Our new Spring collection of suitings contains designs which, I am certain, will be of keen interest to you lot personally. Interest, however, is not merely confined to the more than formal suitings, for we also have an uncommonly pleasant selection of week-end and country worsteds in our Daks suiting range. I believe the patterns enclosed will appeal to you lot, one is a novel blueprint for town wear, and the other two signal the trend for muted shades for country wear, I do promise you volition be able to telephone call and let united states of america show these fine new materials. As you know, we arc open until 7 p. m. on Thursdays. Should you lot crave any further data on current styles or cloth, please do not hesitate to phone me at Grosvenor 763S. Yours sincerely, Dear Mr. Coop, Fourth dimension flies. You may remember it is nonetheless a long time to Christmas, but with all the things still to exist done it will exist here sooner than you call up. So why not tackle this annual problem of Christmas presents now! You have probably already begun to rack your brains with a problem of what to give your wife. We want to give you an thought. Buy her ane of our 'Nail Mixers'. It will practice a hundred jobs for her: shake cocktails, whip, stir or beat up cream, eggs or cake mixture, make water ice-cream, delicious biscuits. In short, it volition exist a blessing for the whole business firm. But you must meet for yourself. May we evidence the "Blast" to y'all in action. If you sign and post the enclosed menu nosotros shall send our representative round and he will explain the advantages of this wonderful auto. A short demonstration will practice more a hundred letters to convince y'all of the joys it will bring into your life. And nosotros clinch you that if you have one, your married woman volition love it - and you. Yours faithfully, ����� � ��������� Has it ever occurred to you �? Have you thought of the benefits that our services can bring to your business? Your telephone phone call will accept immediate attention for booking and data. Please fill out the enclosed reply card if something has been troubling you. Consider some of the advantages of these goods. This auto is neat and meaty. Handling is extremely unproblematic. It is just the very thing for y'all. The cost is then infinitesimal that it is hardly worth mentioning. Our products have been regarded every bit the best for a century and a half. The reputation of our products has been spread by all who know them. Competition has not affected the quality or allure of our goods. You volition be interested to know that nosotros have just introduced our new� We can offering you a special toll (discount) if you place your order before� Please allow us know if you would like to have samples or a demonstration. We clinch you lot of our commitment to produce the highest quality services to our customers. Information technology is our sincere desire to give you the personal attention and satisfaction. For holidays at domicile or abroad, you become a wonderful feeling of freedom and ease when you vesture our suits - particularly when every one else effectually you is sweltering in heavier clothes. ������-����������� ���� ����� ������ - �������������� � ����������� �������������� � ������� � ���������� ���������. ���� �� �����-���� ������� �� �������� ����� � ����� �� ��������, �� �� ��������� ����������� ���������� ��������� � ����. ������-����������� ������ ���� ������������, ���������, ����� ���������-��������������� �������� � ���� ����������������. � ������ �� ��������� ���������, ��� ���� ��������� ������������. �������������, �� ����� ������� ������ �������� ������������ � ����, �������� ������������� ��� ��������. ���������� ����� �������� �������� ������� � ����� ��������� � ������� ��� � ������������� ������������ � ����. ������� �����-����������� Beloved Mrs. Gertsy, Your accuse account with the states has been dead for iii months and we are writing to you to discover out the reason. Has there been any omission or lack of service on our part? If then, we apologise here and now and should be grateful to you lot if yous would tell us where nosotros have gone incorrect so that we an put it right. Possibly we have made a mistake. Pope said: *To err is human? to forgive divine* We value friendly relations between our customej-due south and ourselves and are confident that you wilt permit united states of america to serve yous in the future as we have done so oft in the past. Yours sincerely HERMES LTD. BUFFALO January, Dear Sir: As I write this letter, I`thou reminded of an former Norwegian proverb which says: "On the path between the homes of friends� grass doesn`t grow!" In a manner of speaking, the grass seems to have grown somewhat lush between your doorstep and our place of business concern during the past yr. Frankly, I am little disturbed considering you have not used your charge account for so long a time. I am disturbed because your absence from our shore may indicate some dissatisfaction. Perhaps we unwillingly have done something to displease y'all. If so, won't yous write to me so that may make amends?... Cordially, John Sergel President Hello, Mr. Spomer... When we are friendly with a group of people that nosotros like... wouldn`t information technology be a natural thing to recognise the absence of ane of them? In that connexion, Mr. Spomer, I refer to you as a friendly customer of ours�and believe me, the absence of your orders is sure obvious. I hope it isn't due to some mishap on our part. If then, I sure would appreciate your telling me. If everything has been going along fine, and information technology is merely an oversight, would you lot be kind enough, Mr. Spomer, to remember us the next time you lot need part supplies? ''Thank you lot" Mr. Spomer... nosotros'll sure enjoy having yous in the "KRILOFFICE Group" again. M. E. Kriloff President Dearest Mr. Jackobs I have earlier me a record that indicates that one of our representatives made a call at your house and put on a demonstration. Since he did not receive an order I am questioning in my ain mind just where the Dubon Roofing Company has failed to gain your conviction. Perhaps without whatsoever undue effort you might peradventure check the items listed beneath which caused y'all to hesitate to do business with Dubon. The Dubon Covering Company has enjoyed the privilege of serving homeowners for over xxx-v years. Nosotros have gained the reputation of existence America's Largest Roofers. We trust that nosotros tin still be of service to you. Recently nosotros sent you a gift, an Eletric Alarm Clock, in appreciation for your willingness to mind to the Dubon story. We trust that it will serve as a retentiveness of skilful volition between us. Cordially, Roofing Become ����� � ������������� ������ ���������� �����-������� �������� �������, ��� ��� ��� ����������� �������� � ���������� ������� �������. ������ ������-������ Honey Sirs, 2nd February, 1998 Please find enclosed our Order No DR 4316, for men's and boys' sweaters in contrasted sizes, colours and designs. We accept decided to accept the 15% trade discount you offered and terms of payment viz. documents against payment, simply would like these terms reviewed in the near hereafter. Would you delight ship the shipping documents and your sight draft to Northminster Bank (Urban center Branch), Deal Street, Birmingham? If yous do not have some of the listed items in stock, delight do non send substitutes in their identify. We would appreciate delivery inside the side by side six weeks, and look forwards to your acknowledgement. Yours faithfully, ������������� ������ ������ ��� ����������� ��������� �����. ��������, ����������� ��������� �����, ���������� ��������� ����� � ������ ��� ������� ���� � �. �. ��� �������� ����� �������� ������ ��� ������ ��������� ������. Dearest Mr. Storms: When a friend helps us on with a coat, we smile and say 'Thank vou'. If nosotros drib something and someone option information technology up for us, we practically burst with gratitude. Strange? Non at all. Only it is strange that when we get into business, we take so many things for granted that we forget to say 'Thank you'. Take erstwhile customers like you, for instance. You did something pretty important for united states of america - of import because you recall so much of your concern that it gives u.s.a. � greate deal of pleasance to encounter it grow. Beloved Sirs, Thank you for your order of 20th February. Unfortunately 7390/6 is out of stock at present and will non be bachelor again earlier the end of April. We can, still, offer the slightly ameliorate very like model 7395/4 at a price of $xix instead, which is in stock and is perhaps even more suitable. Please allow us know whether we may send it with model I260/3 which nosotros haved reserved, for you lot. Look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, ����� � ��������� Thank y'all for your letter of November 1st. We regret being unable to execute your order. We have the pleasure of informing you that� We are very sorry indeed to have to suggest yous of a delay in Executing Contract � Equally requested in your letter we have give the priority to Contract � We have every reason to believe that we will exist able to run into the commitment date. We wish to explain why there was a delay in shipment. We apologise for the delay which was due to circumstances beyond our control. Unfortunately nosotros have run out of the material you asked for. As you take particularly requested only this material nosotros will not offer a substitute, simply promise we volition get delivery of a new assignment within the next two months. Nosotros will be unable to complete delivery by the stipulated appointment and would appreciate if y'all would agree to extend the commitment time. If you wish to cancel your order, you may, but I remember you will find that most manufacturers are faced with the same difficulties at nowadays. Our difficulties are only temporary. Nosotros promise you volition sympathize the circumstances that compel us to exercise it. ������, ��������� � �� �������������� ��� ����� ���������� ��� ���������������, �� ��� ����, �����, �� ��������. ��� ������ ���������� ��� ������, � ������� ������ ����������� �� ������, � ����������, ����, ����������. ���� ��������� � ����� ��������, �� ��� ��� ������ ������ ���� � �������� ����������� ��� ��������� ������� ������. ���� "������" ������ ������� ����� ������� �� ��������, ������ ����������� ������� ������ � �����. ������ ������-������ Dear Sirs, Your invoice and two parcels, supposed to contain 50 copies of 'The Groovy General' arrived today. On opening the parcels nosotros constitute that 1 contained 25 copies of 'Lilliputian Women' and the other 40 copies of 'Cooking without Fat'. We have, as yous know, given 'The Groovy General' a special display in our front window and need the copies urgently as we have only a few left. This is the commencement time in all our dealings with you lot that any mistake has occurred and we promise you volition practice your utmost to remedy it. Will yous delight therefore on receipt of this letter of the alphabet dispatch the correct copies Limited and make sure that they rich us to-morrow afternoon. Yours thaithfully, Dear Sirs, Thank y'all for your letter of 10 Baronial concerning your Order (VC 58391) which should have been supplied to yous on 15Juty. First allow me apologize for the filibuster and for the problems you have experienced. But as yous may have read in your news-papers we are faced with an industrial dispute which has involved both administrative staff and workers on the shop floor and equally a event has held upwards production over the past few weeks. All the same, I tin tell y'all that the dispute has been settled and we are back to normal production. Your order has been given priority, and so we should be able to deliver the engines before the end of this week. May I point out, with respect, that your contract with us a standard clause stating that deliver dates would be met unless unforeseen circumstances arose, and we think you volition hold that a dispute is an infrequent circumstance. Over again let me say how much I regret the inconvenience this delay has caused and emphasize that it was due to factors beyond our control. Delight permit usa know if you wish to consummate your order or whether yous would adopt to make other arrangements. I await forward to hearing from y'all inside the adjacent day or so. Yours faithfully, T. Blackbell Director ������ - ��������� �� ������ �������� ������ Dear Sirs, Information technology is with great regret that we have to inform yous that the material, delivered under Contract � � does not conform to the specification on the basis of which the contract was signed. By carve up mail we have sent you a cutting from this material and one slice from the cloth of the previous consignment, and so that you tin compare the two and see the difference. As a consequence of this situation sustain heavy losses considering we cannot fulfil our contractual obligations to our clients. In this situation we are prepared to retain the goods if you lot will reduce the price, say, by forty%. Awaiting your early on reply. We remain faithfully yours, ����� �� ��������� Honey Sirs, eighth, June 19.. We have received your teller of 2nd June and thank you for sending us the two samples of textile. We arc greatly concerned over your thwarting in the quality and complications which may ascend in your relationship with your customers. If you lot are willing to accept the appurtenances and dispose of the junior material nosotros will ship y'all a credit notation for the difference. We repent sincerely for the trouble acquired to you and we will lake all possible steps to ensure that such a situation will non ascend again. Yours faithfully, ����� � ��������� ������� �� �����-��������� We wish to place on record the company'southward extreme displeasure at� We insist that the problems we experienced were due to your negligence, non ours. We wish to emphasize that nosotros are property you fully responsible for non delivery of the cargo in question. We have inspected the damaged car and nosotros submit you below a description of the damage. As yous probably enlightened we take been experiencing a considerable inconvenience due to wrong material being delivered to our customers. This is the tertiary fourth dimension this mistake has occurred and nosotros are far from satisfied with the service you offer. The mistake must be corrected as soon as possible. At that place seems to be some misunderstanding regarding terms of discount. Our specialists have determined that the shipment was v boxes curt. We are afraid in that location is no room for compromise as far as this order is concerned. We look frontwards to an early settlement of our claim for the full corporeality of� We must signal out that unless you settle the claim in full you lot leave usa with no alternative, just to place the affair in the easily of our solicitors. Please ensure that this sort of problem does not ascend again. Nosotros regret that unless we hear from yous by return nosotros will be obliged to cancel the club. ����������� �� �������������� ��������� Information technology is our intention to insist that the missing parts exist replaced past you and shipped to united states of america via air freight, all for your account. We are prepared to accept the goods sent if you are willing to make a substantial reduction in toll. We would capeesh it if you would supervene upon the lacking units or arrange to credit us with their value. ������ �� ��������� Nosotros are sorry to hear/learn about� We were distressed to hear/learn about� Give thanks you for your alphabetic character dated�It was with slap-up regret that we heard� We were very sorry to receive your complaint. We greatly regret that yous received only� Nosotros acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter dated�regarding� Nosotros sincerely regret that� ���������� ��������� We would similar to apologise for the inconvenience caused. Nosotros apologize sincerely for the trouble acquired to y'all and will have all the possible steps to ensure that such a error is non made again/does not occur over again. We would like to clinch you that every footstep will be taken to fulfill our contracts to the letter in the hereafter. We much regret that you had the trouble of writing to usa. Nosotros are extremely lamentable virtually this filibuster which y'all will realize was due to circumstances beyond our control. The delay was due to the fact that� We greatly regret the mistake in the number which resulted in your receiving the wrong articles. We shall be grateful to you if you will advise the states further action y'all would like our company to have in this matter. ������� �� ����������� �� �������������� ��������� Nosotros have given the highest possible priority to the commitment of the machines which are bailiwick of the contract. We are o form willing to supercede any damage due to our negligence. We will do our utmost to right the situation. We tin assure yous that the company accept fully taken over the handling of these outstanding problems and you lot can expect very prompt action. In these circumstances which are completely beyond our control we have no option only to claim force majeure on your Contract. ���������� ��������� We are profoundly surprised to receive your letter of the alphabet of� Nosotros were glad to receive your letter but it was with swell regret that nosotros heard� We regret that in no way can we be held responsible for� We would similar to emphasize that it is your responsibleness to� If you cheque, you will find the guarantee states� The visitor finds that it has no selection merely to totally reject any claim that the cargo was damaged because of packing. We return your debit note and supporting documents so you tin lodge this claim with the aircraft visitor or your insurers. Unfortunately we cannot consider your reports of damage acceptable equally they exercise not requite specific details to enable the states to consider if at that place are in fact any faults with our packing procedures. ������������ � ��������� ������������������ ����� �� ��������� �������������� � �����-���� ������ ��� ���������, �� ������ �����, ��������� ��������� ��� �����������. ��� ����� ��� ���������� ���������� � ��� ������, � �������� ���� ������������� �������� ������������ ��� ������������, � ����� �������� �����, � ������� ������ ��������� ����. ��� ��������� ���� ���������� �� ��������� ������-������ � ����� ���������. ������ � �������� � ������������� ���������� ������. ��� ��������� ������������������ ���������� ��� ����� ���������� � ����. � ������ ������ �� ���������� �������� �����, � ������� ������ �������� ����������; ����� ��������� ��������� ������, ���������� ���� ������, ������� ���� ��� ����� �������� ��� ��� ���� �����. ��� ���� ���������� ���������, ��� ���������� ���������� ����� �������������� ������ ���������������. ���� ���� ��� ���������� ������� ������������ � ������ ��������, �� �� ���� �� ����� ����� �������� � ������, �� ����� �������. ������� ����� Dearest Sirs, We were very pleased to receive your order for appurtenances to the value of$2300. As this is our commencement transaction with you, volition y'all kindly transport united states of america the names of firms or a bank to whom reference can be fabricated. Every bit soon as these inquiries take been satisfactorily settled, nosotros shall exist pleased to send on your order. We sincerely hope that this is the outset of a long and pleasant business association. We shall certainly do our best to make it so. Yours faithfully, Dear Sirs, In respond to your alphabetic character of 28th Oct nosotros refer y'all to Trent & Son Ltd. Bristol and The Bank of Wales and Ireland, Cardiff, who volition exist pleased to give yous the data you lot crave. Yours faithfully, ������-������������ ������������ � ����������� � ������� ���������� ��������� ������� ����. ���� ���� �� ������ ������������ � ����������� � ������ ��������\�������, ������������� ��� �� �������� �������������� � �������� ������� �� ����������� ���������� ������������. ������� ����� Dear Mr. Spoons: One of the deeply genuine joys of the Yuletide Season is the opportunity it affords of expressing our appreciation to our friends. It has been a twelvemonth of pleasant dealings, Mr. Spoons. May the next 12 months bring y'all prosperity find a generous portion of true happiness. Sincerely yours, John Westward. Rose THANKSGIVING, 1995 To Our Skilful Friends Nosotros just couldn't let Thanksgiving Solar day slip by without telling you how much we capeesh our human relationship during the by year. Gruffly and sincerely we say "Thanks.." � thanks for your attention and consideration to our firm, � cheers for your expert-wilt and patronage. � thank you for your help in establishing of our new agency in your country. In appreciation nosotros can but say that nosotros shall go on, as we have for about twenty years past, to cooperate with you. Once again thank you and our best wishes� Faithfully yours, ������ ����������� ���������� ��� ����������� ����� ������ ���� ��� ����������� ����� ��������� ��������������� ����������� ���������� ������. �� ������ ����������� ����������� ������� �������� �� ���� ������ � �������� ������������� ���������� ����� �������, ����� ��� �� ��������� ������������. �������� �������� ��������� ���������� �������� �������� ������������� ��������� �����. ��� �������� ����� � ������ �� ��� �� ��������������� ���������� ������, � ����� ��������� ������������� ����������. ������ � ��������� ������� ����� ������������ ������ ����. ��������, ���� �� ����� ������, ��� ���� ������� ���� �� ��� ������ ���������. ����� ���� ������ �������� ������� �� ���������� ����������� ���������� � ��������. ������ ������ ������ ���������� ��� ��������� �������������� �� ������ �������� ��� ������. � ��������� ������� �������� ���� �������� ����� ������� � ����������. ���������� � ��������� ������ �������� ������ ������������� ������ ����� � ����� ������������ ������. �� ����� ���� ���������� � �������� ���� ��������� �����, ����������� �������� ��� "��" � "������". �������������, �� ����� ��������� ��������� ���������� �����. ���� ��������� ������ � ����� ������� ������� ��������, ��� ��� ���������� � ��� ��������� � ��� ��� ������. � ���� �� �������� ������ � ����������������, ���������, �������� ������������� ����, �� �������� ���� ����� ����������� � ������������� ����� ��������. ��� ��������� ������ ����������� ��������� ���������� ��������� ������������ �������, �������������� ��������� ���������: � ������ ������ �� ������ ������� ��������� ������������������ � ����������� � ���� ���������� ������. ����������� ������� ��� ��������� ��� ������� � ��� ������������. ���������� �������������, ��� ��� ����� ������ �������� ������ �������� ������� ���������� �������� � ����������� ������������ ����������� ��������. �� �������� �������� �������� ���� �������� � ���������������, ����������� ��� ��������. ���������� ���������� �������� ������ ������ ���� ����� ���������� �����������. ������ ��� ��������, ������� � ���������. ��� ���� ��� ������ ������ ���� ����������. ��������, ����������� ����� "��������" ������ "��������" � �. �. ���� ���������� ���������� ���������� � ��� �� ������, ��� � ���������� ����������, �� ������ ������ ����� ������ � ������������ �������� �� ���������� ������. � ���� �� ������ ���������� ���������� �������������� ������� ��������. ����� ������� ������� �������������, � ����� ������ ������ ����� �������� � ���, ��� ����� �������, � �� ��� ������. �� ����������� ��������� ������������� ���������� ������. ������ ��������� � ��������� ��������� � ���������, ��� ��� ��� ������ ���������� ������������ ��������. � ����� ������ ������������ ������� ����� �������� �� ��������� �������� � �������� ���, ��� �� ������ ���� � ��� ������� � ������ ���������. ������� �������� ������ ������ ����������� ������, ������, �������������, �� ���������� ������ ��������. ������� ����� Sara, Give thanks you lot for your memo almost your work schedule. Y'all have been doing an fantabulous chore for us equally a courier and resolving your situation so you tin go along your effective service is important for u.s.a.. The loftier quality of your piece of work as a courier has been possible for at least three reasons: (I) your interest in the work (2) your promptness and thoroughness during your rounds and (3) the scheduling of your workday. As y'all know the piece of work in the office depends on courier service. Since your fantabulous performance requires that you exist at piece of work at 8 a. g., I want to assist you in any way I tin can in making the necessary arrangements to do so. Betty Martin, my secretary, uses the ADC Child Care Centre in the edifice adjacent to ours. She says her child likes the Heart very much. Betty checked and found information technology has openings for additional children now. Please contact Betty if you would like further data on the ABC Child Care Centre. It appears to be a adept alternative for y'all. Your excellent piece of work is appreciated, and I hope yous stay with united states of america for many years to come! Tomas Crown Administrator Dear Mr. Nichols, Thank you for applying for the position of secretary at the JOHNSON TOYS. The selection of successful candidates was a difficult chore because many of applicants were well qualified and at that place were more applicants than openings. Unfortunately, this time we cannot offer yous the position. We appreciate your interest in our company. Your awarding volition exist kept on file, and we will consider you if any vacancy should occur in the near future.
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